fanclub for the masses
I was talking to this girl today at a place called and she loves my hair so much that she's made a fanclub. All you do in this fanclub is worshipping my hair. So if anyone in here wants to be a mamber, just say so, and I'll make it happen
what is the most current state of your hair? it changes the whole time....
I've got an undercut (which I've had for a long time). Red dreads (11 of them), long hair on the top (pink, green and blue), and three vertical stripes of longer hair in the neck, which I will colour next time I bleech my hair (which will be soon since I have lice).
sounds cool....can i join the fan club?
offcourse, I'll put you on the list!! :)
i would like to be member!!
i love your hair too!!
You have too many fans!
Why dont you say something bright, then write it down, publish it, and compare it to your hair?
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