on container raiding in amager
we've been out and we've been busy.
firstly, wasting perfectly good food should be a crime. and supermarkets already owe us plenty for their crimes against the environment, agriculture and local economies. they throw out edible food everyday. this is food which should instead be given to people who actually need it, the hungry and the homeless.
that isn't us exactly, but since the food is being binned the only reasonable thing to do is retrieve it (er, reclaim it.. if you will). plus it saves us stacks of cash and we can eat like minor kings (and queens).
the fruits and veg of our labour:

plus some more bread, more oranges, cheese, grapes and boullion.
what we should be doing is distributing it to people who need it more than us. but until then i'm off to make broccoli soup and banana milkshake.
I think you all should eat more bananas, as this is what monkeys do. I dont think it is a good idea to use nazi-sign in this Blog, find another
have a nice weekend and say hello to your parents
the swaztika never hurt anyone...the nazis did. amd so did the communists, so there's really not a big difference between having swaztikas there and communist stars
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