
regiciding in the new world order

tirsdag, december 18, 2007

more winter

on sunday it snowed. it snowed all day and it had snowed all night. it was beautiful. walked over to danforth and broadview to meet amanda for lunch and it was so nice. it was so white, clean, quite and hardly any cars were out. toronto was quiet. and there was even skiiers in the middle of the city. i had such a good sunday. i love the snow so much and it makes me so happy. especially since the cars don't dare to venture outside.
and besides that and the snow, I now am a master in forest conservation. No more school. finally.


At 3:03 PM, Blogger paperdoll said...

"it was so white, clean"...what is this?? hidden nazi propaganda?

At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonym said...

Kære Julie
Tillykke med din Master!
Godt at du nu er igennem på fineste vis og godt at du elsker sneen. Knap så godt, at Emil ser punker-protest-muligheder overalt.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger julie said...

emil, i am so glad you can recognise my hidden nazi-propaganda.....I am very proud of you...;)


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