
These last two weeks have been tiring. Horselogging is hard work and my hands and fingers hurt from holding the lines so tight and trying to control the horses. It is going a lot better though, and these two weeks things have been good. The first week I had lots of trouble with Lady, but she is much better with me now. Now it is more Skip and Pride that is causing trouble. But there is definitely improvement. On Thursday I suggested we’d take Pride and Skip out, which Rolf was hesitant to do since Skip is so hyper. It worked well for the first hour or so until I lost the lines and they ran back to the truck with the log behind them. I could not get them to go back into the forest after that. I froze my ass off while waiting for Rolf to finish cutting and come down to help me get the horses back into the forest. Skip was being a real pain, and he was difficult with Rolf as well. Eventually they got back in again, but they were causing trouble for most of the rest of the day. I was exhausted at the end of the day from being angry at them. Skip even ran over both Rolf and Tyler, luckily without stepping on any of them. I think we have to take Skip and Lady on Monday since Pride lost a shoe, and Penny’s harness is still broken. I think Skip is a bit better with Lady since she is the highest ranking horse and is very calm. But I have to give both Skip and Pride some credit, cos they did work well together when they weren’t giving me hassle. The picture is of one of the pigs up here. They are so cute in the morning when I come to the barn at 7 am, snoring and sleeping.
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