Boten Anna
Just wanna pay my respect to Basshunter. I'm still not tired of that song Boten Anna. That song must have been the greates invention since the wheel and hot water! All hail Basshunter
regiciding in the new world order
Just wanna pay my respect to Basshunter. I'm still not tired of that song Boten Anna. That song must have been the greates invention since the wheel and hot water! All hail Basshunter
My summer vacation (which is not really a vacation since all I do is work) is going pretty well. My work is good + I passed my xam. I didn't really get a very good grade, but I did pass, so I'm satisfied. Life in Oslo is pretty warm and quiet. Not too much going on here. This is very random...just felt like I had to update my current situation.
sincere apologies for not having posted in ages. i am not going to give you any excuse.