
regiciding in the new world order

torsdag, marts 30, 2006

flying the flags (regi con one)

the danish flags are all out. on the front ofs buildings, on the sides of buses. what's the special occasion?

i think we're in need of some half-mast action

i think we're in need of some regicide

tirsdag, marts 28, 2006

'm going to scotland

so, as you probably figured out from the title, I AM going to scotland. Gonna leave thursday morning and I'm comming back on tuesday, nearly two weeks later! I plan to eat cheddar cheese, drink beer and whisky and find the loch ness monster (which apparently is an elephant). yey

mandag, marts 20, 2006

not dead

i think i've been neglecting the regiciders blog recently. i blame myself for having two other blogs. but pyah.

so saturday was the third anniversery of the iraq war. you'd be forgiven for forgetting it still even existed (actually, no you wouldn't). julie was earning her keep and emil was knee deep in his, so it was up to me to put in some regicider anti-war representation.

i spent the whole day shouting "NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR" and "PEACE YOU COCK SUCKING MOTHER FUCKERS", neither of which are as dumb as "warfare is well fair". that's just fucking stupid. halfway into town i managed to get people in the protest march to align themselves so that from above they would read "FUCK THA POLITI", a special message to the police helicopters with their 2000ad style search lights (you're right, i shouldn't have said that). once in town i managed to spray paint "ALL GOVERNMENTS ARE MURDERERS" in seven foot high letters across the front of the parliment building, without being caught or anything.

all of the above is true, especially the bit about "death from above!!!".

start the riot! (i would die for peanut butter)

tirsdag, marts 14, 2006

I've got pink hair now

I've got pink hair now

onsdag, marts 08, 2006

it's such a small world

so a customer asked me the other day where i was from, and said he used to live next to a family called keller in jylland. he turned out to have been in the same class as my aunt, and he remebers my mum and uncle as well. and also how my grand dad used to cycle to work everyday. so weird how the world is so small.

søndag, marts 05, 2006

so God loves me after all

I'm happy to tell you all that I'm finally getting the respect and recognition from the right-wing community that I deserve! After years and years of worshipping the allmighty God, he has blessed me with a beer.
At the clawfinger concert yesterday, we (me and Laurence) talked to these two drunk-johnny cash loving-extreme reich wing-guys, who thought I looked really cool, so they bought me a beer!
Thank you God!

lørdag, marts 04, 2006

on self-promotion (a lesson in search marketing)

so incase you havn't noticed, or were wondering why i havn't raved about our most recent finds amongst the garbage of our beloved rotting city.. i have created a new blog! a blog that captures every daring and exciting moment of our container raiding activities. a blog that shows the world how much it wastes. a blog that unites everything that is held down under the shadow of captialism. a blog that seperates the rats from the.. er. okay i'll just shut the fuck up talking rubbish and give you the url:

regicide on

torsdag, marts 02, 2006


so maybe (for no good reason but to post on the blog) i can update people that julie is no longer temping at ikea. she is currently working at gad (again) in charge of "papir", in other words stationary section. that sounds lame. but it is ok. and i get money.
laurence is currently making mushroom creme stuff together with home made pasta. if any of you out there hasn't experienced his cooking, you have really missed out.

onsdag, marts 01, 2006

google loves communist nazi jews

this is too funny, google ranks us top for [communist nazi jew]

too funny. something should be done about it.

as an aside, my site also ranks top for [container raiding].. *sigh* we rock so hard there's no time to roll!