Proud big sister
I just have to write a post about how proud i am of my brother's musical abilities, especially when it comes to writing amazingly intellectual lyrics about coffee and chicks
regiciding in the new world order
I just have to write a post about how proud i am of my brother's musical abilities, especially when it comes to writing amazingly intellectual lyrics about coffee and chicks
another song has just been recorded by my awsome (haha) band. This one is a garage song about coffe and chicks! I know this sounds like a weird mix, but it all works out. some people might think the text is a bit odd, but it works nicely! It was offcourse recorded under the influence of alcohol, and maybe that's why it turned out ok??
I was talking to this girl today at a place called and she loves my hair so much that she's made a fanclub. All you do in this fanclub is worshipping my hair. So if anyone in here wants to be a mamber, just say so, and I'll make it happen
the fog has swallowed toronto this morning. i couldn't even the see the CN Tower from outside the university college this morning.