
regiciding in the new world order

onsdag, juni 27, 2007

A little something from my poetic ego

Here's a little something I wrote the other night when I couldn't sleep. It's about burning flags and whatnot. Hope you like it!

I burned a flag in the street last night
It stood for greed and war and might
The glowing red flames filled me with delight
The American flag burns oh so bright

It is a symbol of a real sick thought
That bliss and happiness really can be bought
Accept this ignorance I will not
Instead I say it must be fought

So I’ll burn that flag again today
I’ll do it despite your deepest dismay
I’ll do it no matter what you might say
And hope that someone will hear me pray

If things don’t change in the world real soon
It won’t be the flag that the flames will consume
I will wait until the next full moon
The flickering flames will be my funeral tune

lørdag, juni 23, 2007

R.I.P. Dumpster buggey thingy

I saw a sad sight yesterday when I was checking the backyard for trash others had thrown out. Right beside a vapouerizer (I'm not joking, there was one, donno what it is, but it was a weird looking machine which had vapourizer written on it) was out beloved dumpster buggey thingy:(

fredag, juni 08, 2007

I love the police state of DK, part 2

This is pretty old news, but I'll post it anyways...just to keep the blog alive...

The time was about 4:28, on the 4th of may (the night of my birthday). We had all been out having a few beers and decided to split up and go home. A fridn of mine leaves and moons us on his way down the street. I do the polite thing and moon him back, and naturally a cop car drives by as I'm doing this. They stop to get my name and all the technical stuff they need to give me a ticket. A couple of weeks later, I get a letter from them with a fine for 600 kr for disturbing the public peace (what a load...but whatever). Since I have a low income I have the right to get it reduced to 300. I get the papers needed from the government to get show that I have a low income and go down to the local police station to hand them in (I had already called the cops to see if I could do this instead of sending the papers to the main police office). They tell me to go up to the 3rd floor where the cops are like...WTF, we have nothing to do with this. They give me the phone number and the address of where I need to hand in the papers. I then call them and they tell me I need a new set of government papers. I finally managed to get hold of the other set of papers and got them delivered at the office. I'm now waiting for a reply from them. I guess I just wanna say how much I love this GODDAM FUCKING burocratic nonsense and the extreme lack of knowledge from all the cops I've talked to. They didn't even know the name of the papers I was suppose to get from the government!!! Am I suppose to just call 'someone' in the government and ask for 'some' papers....???

mandag, juni 04, 2007

testing, testing, testing

this is a test to see who and how many actually reads this blog, so if you read this, please place a comment.
thank you very much