Hunting ghosts - part 1
So, as you all know, our appartment here in Copenhagen is haunted. It's most likely a poltergeist which is here as lights and the water in the bathroom has been turned on by itself as well as one incident with a door moving. Knocking on doors (in the middle of the night when nobody is up) and loud sounds have been heard from my room.
Me and some friends, who also find the subject interesting, have long talked about having a séance, to try to make contact with the spirit(s). I was talking to Helene (the singer in the shitty punk band I play in) and she was up for it on saturday. Our method for this night with be EVP (Electronic voice phenomenon), which is recording ghosts on a tape. We will basically turn on a tape recorder, recording everything we say, with 'white noise' from the TV playing in the background. We'll ask a set of questions, leaving spaces inbetween the questions, for the ghosts to reply.
I don't really know if we expect to get anything else than a good scare out of this... I'll be back with results later on