
regiciding in the new world order

mandag, februar 27, 2006


as all the habitants of 'ved amagerport 12' probably know, there has been some talk about the layout of the page. Some people think the swaztikas are a bit too much. To that, I can only say, the regime under staling (I'm referring to the communist stars), was pretty bad compared to nazi germany if we considder the casualties. Anyways, here's a list over things we could change the swaztikas to if we should change them...:

up-side-down crosses
american flags
even bigger swaztikas
a picture of my girlfriend sofie (sofie insisted I put this on the list)
an anarchist A
a pentagram

Please vote guys! This is a very important matter! And guys, lets try to be compusmentis about this!

onsdag, februar 22, 2006

on container raiding in amager

we've been out and we've been busy.

firstly, wasting perfectly good food should be a crime. and supermarkets already owe us plenty for their crimes against the environment, agriculture and local economies. they throw out edible food everyday. this is food which should instead be given to people who actually need it, the hungry and the homeless.

that isn't us exactly, but since the food is being binned the only reasonable thing to do is retrieve it (er, reclaim it.. if you will). plus it saves us stacks of cash and we can eat like minor kings (and queens).

the fruits and veg of our labour:


plus some more bread, more oranges, cheese, grapes and boullion.

what we should be doing is distributing it to people who need it more than us. but until then i'm off to make broccoli soup and banana milkshake.

lørdag, februar 18, 2006

Nazi demo

So, this weekend I'm at Århus. This city in 'Jylland', which is, in a way, the nazi capital of Denmark! There was a demonstration today, held by the nazis, so I joined my friends + others activists, in showing resistance, by meeting up. It was a peaceful demonstration and no-one got hurt, by the cops or the nazis. It was fucking shocking though, to see soo many nazis at onne place. I haven't really seen to many nazis before, so this was pretty fucking crazy! Anyways, we're still pretty paranoid cause we're gonna go out tonight and the nazis are probably out.
Fuck nazism!

onsdag, februar 15, 2006

cheese (making of)

just cos i want a piece of the action, and seconds before midnight..

we're now making our own cheese.

maybe it's something to do with denmark having a smaller indian population than england, but you can't get good indian goods here. there's no fresh coriander, there's no decent naan bread, and there's no paneer. so i decided to learn how make our own and it's pretty easy.

you need a litre or two of full fat milk, which you bring to the boil and then remove from the heat. then add juice of a lemon so that it curdles. and when it's proper curdled your poor that shit through a tea towel and tie it up to strain for
40 mins. then you've got yourself some awesome paneer.

and don't forget kids! you need to fry it! ..and add a bit of salt

containerraid at fakta

We went conteinerraiding (or skipping) tonight. Me and sofie found out where the food is thrown out at fakta and going there tonight proved to be very spray! We got a whole plastic bag of food, including a pizza, and apple sauce!

amusement at ikea bistro

the funniest thing i saw yesterday:
two women in bhurkas ordering elleven slizes of pizzza

and i have now got a job as a saturday postwoman

søndag, februar 12, 2006

drug charges at christiania

so we (laurence, my mum and me) went for a little walk at christiania yesterday, but that turned out to not be the best idea. we were just minding our own buisness drinking outside the Nemo cafe when the police showed up and charged us all for possession of marijuana. they then searched us all, and they even wanted me to take my shoes off in case i had hidden lots of stuff in my shoes, like you do. they also asked my mum if she was hanging around at christiania alot. since they didn't find anything the charges were dropped. whatever happened to innocent until proven otherwise?

fredag, februar 10, 2006

Songs for my parents party

Me and my mom finally finished the list over songs which we're gonna make the band play at their party. It goes a little bit like this:

Frank Zappa - Happy together
Rolling Stones - Brown sugar, factory girl, like a rolling stone..
screw it, it's too long.

tirsdag, februar 07, 2006

i need a job

if anybody has a job to offer me, please let me know. i am desperate.

mandag, februar 06, 2006

this is what you get

søndag, februar 05, 2006

chocolate divorce and french frogs

we are now waiting for the chocolate cake to finish baking in the owen. it smells great. but it almost caused a third world war in the apartment and the creation of a fourth reich......
lets see if me and laurence can survive the finishing of the cake..... or if we have to argue and stamp in the floor some more about this. or maybe we have to get a divorce.
maybe if we all made friends with the people on second floor and then we would go up there really early and really late in the evening and jump about and stamp on the floor we could get revenge on the french kids who make shit loads of noice really early in the mornings. they are up at eight in the morning on saturday and sunday jumping about and running. it's hell when you try to sleep off a hangover. french frogs

lørdag, februar 04, 2006

communist nazi jew

can this be on our flag? ..cos it's the shit i'm talking about

fredag, februar 03, 2006

does anyone except for emil, laurence and julie actually read this blog

so laurence thinks i should write something on our blog. i think i can finally now remember my username and password, otherwise it is a bit of a hassle to post something on this blog that no one reads anyway.
laurence and i had a pretty spray day, we raped a couple of shops, some food and some beer and i lost three times in backgammon.
we are now having bangers and mash for dinner and more drinks ......
have a good weekend everyone who reads this blog

torsdag, februar 02, 2006

new a look

regiciders has been skinned and color schemed.

thoughts and criticisms?

pretenious justification for the symbols - the mix of imagery from two extremes of the politcal spectrum has been used to portray a "cancelling out" of political agenda in itself and as a justification or means to an end. the "political struggle against the politcal" if you'd prefer.

or you could just stick it up your bum.